October 17, 2021

Iteration Series

Painted largely during the transition from winter to spring, this body of work by Liam Stevens draws from the emerging palettes of fresh colour found within the spaces where he lives. “The periodical shifts in nature’s tone and luminance through the year are a discernible reminder of continuous change for me,” he says. “The virgin leaves of a tree, or the crisp hue of an early morning sky, can bring a sense of optimism and renewed vigour.” At a time when we have perhaps been living a more insular life, he intends these works to affirm brighter experiences ahead.

Iteration 05 (2021) & Iteration 07 (2021)

Living in London, Stevens is also affected by the city’s monochrome and overcast days. “The light is often subdued and fragile, which influences the impressions I take in,” he says. “The reduced palette of the Iteration series in part responds to this subtle articulation, both internal and external, which at times feels partially obscured or lacking clarity. The linear, grid-like details giving way to drifting inflections of light, imparted by the natural movement of water, hold some semblance to the observations and thoughts that engage me.”

These works, much like an architectural system for fabrication, share basic structural parts that can be composed in multiple ways. It’s in the exploration of these iterative forms, with the numerous possible outcomes they can produce, that Stevens discovers new fluctuating rhythms and contrasting arrangements.

The nuances of linen in the Iteration series sets it apart from Stevens’s other works on canvas. “The absorbency of the material is radically different, and consequently, my method of working changes,” he explains. “The surface of the coarse flax offers more texture and requires a denser solution of pigment, along with many washes, to adhere to the weave. Allowing for the influence of these materials enables me to explore my process and develop different techniques as I continue to evolve these works.”

Iteration 06 (2021)


  • Francis Gallery


  • Rich Stapleton
  • Toby Mitchell


  • 04.18.23

    Liam Stevens, New Work

    Liam Stevens presents new work, including five paintings and two limited edition prints. “Painting is a continuous investigation,” Stevens says. “How to paint and what can be achieved is in itself a layering of time, thought and procedure, which runs mutually with the culmination of pigment and repeat washes in producing a work.”

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  • 05.28.20

    The Space in Everything

    For his first solo show at Francis Gallery, titled Resonant Line, London-based artist Liam Stevens creates a sense of rhythm with repeated lines and forms, while drawing equal attention to the negative space around them. Featuring layered pigment washes with pencil on canvas, constructed reliefs, and a selection of drawing studies, his work is inspired by the repeating structures he identifies in natural and urban landscapes, as well as his connection to music, which often takes a visual form. In his canvas compositions, subtle vertical grids act as a regular tempo, while groups of horizontal lines create a sense of movement, progressively stepping out of phase with the grid.

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  • 03.26.20

    Gallery Representation of Liam Stevens

    We are pleased to announce the representation of London-based artist, Liam Stevens. His solo exhibition at Francis Gallery will launch digitally next month.

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