March 23, 2021

Gallery Representation of John Zabawa

Portrait of John Zabawa

We are pleased to announce the representation of Los Angeles-based artist John Zabawa. His solo exhibition at Francis Gallery – his first in the UK – will launch digitally next month.

Zabawa’s work spans an array of mediums including painting, illustration, music, and graphic design. He works in both figurative and abstract expressions, and offers his Gateway paintings – a series of diptychs combining two blocks of warm colour – as a glimpse into his art-making process. “The way I think about painting is like sculpture: chipping away at the excess material until I find a true final form,” he says. “When I develop a visual idea, I always begin with two colours. I think the eye recognises colour before it understands form – humans have an immediate, instinctive reaction to colour, and then perhaps milliseconds later, they recognise the object. With these paintings, I aimed to distil scenes or figures into their bare essence, represented by two colours.”

John Zabawa with his 'Gateway' paintings, at his LA studio
John Zabawa at his LA studio

After graduating from high school, Zabawa moved to Chicago to study at Columbia College Chicago, where he immersed himself in graphic design, fine art, and industrial design. “Studying design has influenced my art practice. It gives me perspective and understanding about process, methodology, and conceptual thinking,” he says. He held his first show of paintings in Chicago in 2018, titled So Many People, before moving to Los Angeles, where he now lives and works. The abundant plant life there has since found its way into his work, including the distinctive form of eucalyptus leaves. “Eucalyptus trees are just beautiful,” he says. “There are so many of them around here; I’ve become enamoured with them. I’m obsessed with their geometry and their smooth bark. It’s poetry how that tree grows. I think being inspired by flora is something many Angelenos feel.”


  • Ollie Horne


  • Justin Chung


  • 05.19.21


    John Zabawa has created a playlist to accompany his solo show, Gateways, at Francis Gallery, Bath.

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  • 06.22.22

    New Paintings by John Zabawa

    Many of the paintings in a newly released collection by John Zabawa were made in MacArthur Park during the sessions for his Gateways show at Francis Gallery, in the spring and summer of 2021.

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